The Backpack drive is in full gear here at Aspen Hill Christian Church and we are accepting donations all day, every day!
The collection box is located in the Narthex and you are welcome to come by and drop off anytime. If you don’t have a code to get in the building feel free to coordinate with Connie Spoon or by calling the office at (301)871-7222.
Will be delivered the week of August 23rd to Georgian Forest Elementary School
*Please shop for an in-expensive but decent Backpack for a needy child about to go back to school.
Suggested Backpack Supply List:
Black Composition book
Box of Colored Pencils
Wide Rule loose leaf paper & binder
Box of Crayons
Zippered Pencil Case
Glue sticks
Pocket Folders
Pencil Sharpener
Optionally a Bottle of Hand Sanitizer to clip on Backpack
Most of all “lots of love and hope”
~Place Backpack and supplies in box at AHCC and say a prayer for the child who will receive it~