Last Spring the Adult Conference began a series to explore and experience WHAT MAKES DISCIPLES, referring to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We began by exploring the Hispanic Legacy in our Disciples’ identity toward becoming the church Jesus prayed that we would be. (John 17, 20-21)
This Fall we will explore the African American experience within our Disciples tradition. While much of this has been a parallel existence there is much to celebrate and affirm in our life together as we live into Jesus’ prayer that we all become one.
Once again, we will be led by local, and prominent church historians, theologians and leaders. Once again, the music of worship, as well as scripture, and shared experience will inform our discussion.
This year’s staff will include The Reverends Brenda Caldwell and Judith Bowles, both of Pilgrimage Christian Church. Rev. Brenda is co-author of Journey Toward Wholeness 1999, which grew out of her seminary dissertation and published by Bethany Press. (Copies will be given to the first 10 folk to register.) Rev. Bowles was a practicing Music Therapist before seminary and ordination.)
Randy Neilson, Multi instrumental composer and performer, and Lansdowne CC organist will also join us, as well as Regional Minister Allen Harris.
While Spring Adult Conference was cancelled, along with all other Conferences at Bethany Beach Conference Center early last Spring, the Outdoor Ministries Commission decided to retain the Fall Adult conference, September 8 – 11. While that decision may be revisited as the Pandemic continues to evolve, planning for the program described above continues apace.
We also recognize that our Fall Adult Conferees are included in the Covid 19 “at risk” population and that your attendance is a major decision.
Be assured that the Outdoor Ministries Commission is monitoring the health care mandates of the 4 states of the CCCA as well as the township of Bethany Beach, Delaware. We are planning that compliance with suggested best practices will be our minimum to insure your health and safety.
At the moment this includes limiting participation to groups up to 50, maintaining physical distancing use of masks, and appropriate on-going hand sanitizing practices.
To these ends we solicit your questions and suggestions to make our time together as safe and comfortable as possible expecting, as we always have, that each participant will not only care for his/her self, but for one another.
You may want to know that we will be the first occupants of Campbell Hall and the Tabernacle this Summer. Through cleaning and sanitizing will be provided.
WHAT TO DO? If you would like to attend, I encourage you to make reservations as soon as possible. - If you prefer not to attend this year, please communicate that as well. Please do know that if the DelMarVa and or Bethany Beach township policies change to reflect increased risk, reservations will be returned in full.
Scholarships are available
To register, go to: CCCA Camp Registrar is available to assist you with any registration questions and technical issues (downloading forms, setting up your account, Medical Forms, etc.). Call at 301-942- 8266 x201 or send an email at .