2022-2024 Capital Area Clergy Standing Renewal Form (English)
March 2022
Greetings All Ordained and Commissioned Christian Church Capital Area Clergy!
We celebrate your call to ministry and the many wondrous ways the clergy of our Region serve God and live out the good news of Jesus Christ to all the world. Thank you for your ministry!
You presently have standing or are seeking standing in the Order of Ministry in the Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) Capital Area. Please fill out the secure online form and submit it to the Regional Office ASAP if you wish to apply to retain standing. The form can be found online at: www.cccadisciples.org/2022_-clergy-standing-renewal-form
Fields with an “*” are required, and all other questions are not required but would be very nice to have filled in.
A Spanish version of the form will be available online shortly. Una versión en español del formulario estará disponible en línea próximamente.
If you do not wish to maintain standing, either contact the Interim Regional Minister at 240-988-5996 or jstinehelfer@cccadisciples.org
PLEASE NOTE: In order to be the best stewards of our resources and save the Regional Church’s resources, printed/hard copy versions of this standing renewal form will not be sent out via mail unless specifically requested by an individual. You must fill out this form online.
Standing – What’s it Worth?
All members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) are understood to have a ministry. It is part of their vocation, the result of following the way of Jesus Christ. But some are set apart for service to the church, either as ordained or commissioned clergy.
Standing in the Order of Ministry in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) affirms that the ordained or commissioned minister is engaged in or has retired from the practice of ministry. Standing calls clergy to a continuing accountability to the whole Church through a Commission For Ministry. They are to meet that standard in serving a congregation, organization, institution, ecumenical or interfaith agency, region or general unit of the Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ)
In the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Capital Area, clergy are invited to renewing standing each year. The Commission for Ministry considers those applications and grants standing for the following year.
+ Re: Membership In A Disciples Of Christ Congregation:
Disciples Policy and Criteria has always required membership in a Disciples of Christ congregation, presuming one was nearby, in order to maintain Standing.
If you are actively serving a United Church of Christ congregation, then you should apply for Partnership status with the UCC (most Conferences/Associations require it). If you are actively serving another denomination or in a non-congregational setting, it will need to maintain either a membership or associate membership in a Disciples congregation to maintain standing.
For retired Disciple clergy, it depends on what one means by “retired.” If you are retired for pension purposes but still actively serving some form of ministry, you are required to follow the same standards as if you were not “retired” and have a membership in a Disciples of Christ congregation. If you are retired and not actively serving a ministry setting, then we simply recommend a connection with a Disciples of Christ congregation and/or participation in the Capital Area Region.
So, what is Standing worth?
Ministers with standing for 2018 in the Capital Area:
Covenant to accept accountability to a high standard of ministerial ethics
Have recognition by peers of their ministerial gifts
Can access the Ministerial Crisis Fund for emergency financial assistance
Can access the Ministers’ Association Clergy Continuing Education Grant program
Have voting privileges at the Capital Area Regional Assembly
Have easier access to the civil authorities in achieving recognition for the purpose of celebrating weddings
Have access to the Search and Call process of the General Church if ordained and access to the Capital Area Search and Call Process if commissioned.
If commissioned, have access to the Apprentice Track to Ordination
Have privilege of call as Ordained Ministerial Partner with Standing (UCC)
Have listing in the most current Year Book and Directory of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Have voting privileges at the General Assembly
Have fulfilled one of the IRS requirement for clergy recognition to receive benefits and clergy deductions