The Rev. Dr. Marcus Leathers Installed as CCCA Regional Minister
As I embark on this new journey of leadership, I extend my heartfelt thanks to those who continue to make who the Christian Church Capital Area is as well as what is does matter, through partnering, participating and praying with us in our commitment to the Great the Commission. Through Jesus’ sacrificial love for all of us, God has made us community. As no entity exist alone, survives alone or achieves alone—the ministry of the CCCA continues to be a shared journey of faith dependent upon God’s grace and the devoted support of many.
I am grateful for the leadership of Reverend Terri Hord Owens, General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. I offer thanks for the presence of leadership representing other general and regional ministries of the CC(DoC), ecumenical partners, colleagues, friends, and family who have offered unwavering support for the ongoing endeavors of the Christian Church Capital Area.
I give thanks for the Regional Minister Search Committee—its Chairperson, Reverend Terri McLellan (also Regional Moderator, CCCA), its Regional Minister Search Committee Partner, Reverend Joan Bell Haynes. From your diligent work as search committee, you transitioned into the Regional Minister’s Installation Planning Committee. On behalf of myself, my family, our region, and indeed this great church called into being, the CC(DoC), thank you for your labors through your great love of Christ! Now, installed as the Regional Minister of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Capital Area, with you, I bear responsibility to pray for the guidance of God’s Holy Spirit to inspire the significance of our work together, to instill obedience in our yielding to God’s sovereignty in all matters, to insist upon our yearnings for honesty and transparency in ministry to God’s people.